If you urgently require medicines outside these hours please contact the duty doctor on 649 432 2111
Mobile: 1 649 946 4150
Whatsapp: 649 431 4150
Fax: 649 941 2389
Email: islandpharmacytci@gmail.com
Hour of Operation
Monday - Friday : 08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Saturday : 08:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Sunday : Closed.
- Full Time Pharmacists
- Prescriptions Filled
- Over-the-counter Medicines from the USA, UK and Canada
- Vitamins and supplements including Vitamin World, Nature's Bounty, Solgar
- Skin Care and Beauty
- Sunscreen - UV Protection
- SpecBaby Care Products
- Diabetic Testing Supplies
- Medical Equipment
- Electric Toothbrushes
- First aid Supplies, Medical Kits for Hotels, Marine, Schools and Construction
- Special Order and Delivery service including Family Islands
fill your prescriptions online
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